AgriInvest is a self-managed, producer-government savings account that allows producers to manage small income declines, and provides support for investments to reduce risks or improve market income. Your AgriInvest account builds as you make annual deposits based on a percentage of your Allowable Net Sales (ANS) and receive matching contributions from federal, provincial, and territorial governments.
After you submit a program year application, you will receive an AgriInvest Deposit Notice outlining the amount you can deposit into your account that is eligible for matching government contributions. Simply bring your Deposit Notice to your local Mainstreet branch, and deposit any amount up to the maximum matchable deposit shown on your notice (providing your account balance does not exceed your account balance limit). You have 90 days from the issue date on the Deposit Notice to make a deposit to your account. Mainstreet will notify Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada once you have made a deposit and the matching government contributions will be credited to your account. You have the flexibility to withdraw funds at any time throughout the year.
For additional information please visit the Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada website.