A personal loan helps you bridge the financial gap whether it is to buy a car, pay for your post-secondary tuition, a home renovation, or other important projects. Getting approved for a personal loan is quick and easy and we have a variety of loan lengths, payment options, competitive loan rates, and more.

The benefits of a personal loan

Use it for whatever you need

Use your personal loan for refinancing your credit card debt, consolidating multiple debts, making a large purchase, and more.

Keep your payments on track

Create a payment plan that fits your life. You can choose monthly, semi-monthly, bi-weekly or weekly payments.

Get lower interest rates

Get lower interest rates than you would with an alternative method of credit (i.e. credit cards).

Take time to pay the loan back

You set the time that you want to pay down your personal loan.

Work down your debt

Consolidate your debts into one lower-interest, pre-determined payment.

Secured or unsecured options

Secured debt is guaranteed by its collateral while unsecured debt is credit extended without any collateral.

Find out what your loan
payments could look like


Steps to apply for a Personal Loan

Step 1

Book an appointment with an advisor.

Step 2

Bring in documents below.

Step 3

We'll come up with a loan amount and repayment plan with you.

Step 4

Complete the application process and move the money to your account.

What do I need to bring to my meeting?

Please remember to bring the following documents to your pre-qualification appointment:

Confirmation of Income (2 types required):

  • A recent paystub
  • Letter of employment
  • Most recent T4
  • Latest Income Tax and Notice of Assessment

Asset Information

  • Pension statements (if applicable)
  • Savings/Investment statements (if applicable)
  • Confirmation of down payment
  • Details of any other assets owned ie: cottage / rental property

Loans or Liability Information:

  • Credit card statements
  • Loan or Line of Credit statements/details

Experience cooperative banking that is
Invested in you.